Unterschleißheim, 31.7.17 - Out now: VALassistPRO Starter Pack

This starter pack has several restrictions, but it costs only about 30% of the full version license. You save 70% of the regular license fee !!

Unterschleissheim, 31.05.2017 - VALassistPRO goes Python

Out NOW:  A new version of our workflow management system VALassistPRO. This version runs with plugins written in Python. Plug-in developers have now a great alternative to Java.

Unterschleissheim, 24.04.2017 - Philosys Label Editor Release 6.1

Philosys has released Version 6.1 of it's Label Editors with a lot of new features.

Unterschleissheim, 05.04.2017 - MDS Technology is distributor for South Korea

To improve distribution in the asian markets MDS Technology and Philosys signed a distribution agreement for the Philosys Label Editor. 

Unterschleissheim, 01.02.2016 - Philosys Label Editor Release 5.1

Philosys has released Version 5.1 of it's Label Editors with a lot of new features. A complete feature list can be found here.

Unterschleissheim, 15.01.2016 - Philosys Label Editor - Why 3D Labeling?

Philosys Label Editor supports 3D labeling since version 4 (LEV4). This feature allows annotation of scenes containing reference data provided by reference data sources like LiDAR with world or ego-relative coordinates, instead of labeling objects in 2D images with pixel coordinates.

Unterschleissheim, 29.05.2015 - Philosys Label Editor Version 5 - Snapshot.

Philosys has released a snapshot of Version 5 of it's Label Editors. This release has new features for better support of 3D-Annotation of point clouds.

Unterschleissheim, 19.01.2015 - Philosys Label Editor Version 4.3.

Philosys has released Version 4.3 of it's Label Editors. This release has new features for better support of 3D-Annotation.

Unterschleissheim, 14.07.2014 - Philosys Label Editor Version 4.2.

Philosys has released Version 4.2 of it's Label Editors. Label Editor Version 4 (LEV4) is already used intensively by our customers. Some have ordered additional features, that will be available in later releases.

Unterschleißheim, April 10th 2014 - Valid arguments for VALassistPro

We added a feature list of VALassistPRO to our site. ValAssist Pro provides a framework which supports the validation of sensor and camera based so-called advanced driver assistent systems.

Directly to the feature list ...

Unterschleißheim, Sep 19th 2013 - Philosys is one of the exhibitors at the International Conference "Electronic Systems for Motor Vehicles" (ELIV), October 16-17, 2013, Baden-Baden. We are showing our products and services around the validation of driving assistance systems.

We are looking forward to meeting you.

Unterschleißheim, Sep 11th 2013 - We currently have available labeling resources and can immediately support you with a team of experienced annotators.

Unterschleissheim, July 23rd 2013 - Philosys Label Editor Version 3.0beta released.

The first beta of Release 3 of Philosys Label Editor with the following features has been released:

  • Open Extrapolation-API for tracking and object detection modules.
  • Standard Tracker for Extrapolation.
  • Combination of Extrapolation and Interpolation.
  • Extrapolation for multiple objects concurrently.
  • Interpolation of data without geometrical objects.
  • Store only keyframes in label data.
  • Definition of colors, tool tips, ....

The Standard Tracker is provided under a separate license.

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