In the case that any bugs are found during testing, it is, of course, necessary to repair these errors. Any unusual or noticeable scenes can be used as a basis to locate a bug. Subsequently, the corrections are run through the test a second time.

What can VALassistPRO do for me?

VALassistPRO is able to export unusual scenes for the tester to directly forward them on to the developer. If the developer has a personal access, the data can be directly downloaded. Under certain circumstances, VALassistPRO can directly execute control device updates. This capability often depends on the capacity of the particular control device (requirements). If this is possible, then the tester can simply import the software update into the VALassistPRO system. VALassistPRO then installs the updates and is prepared for new tests.

If the developers have direct access to VALassistPRO, they are able to send their preliminary results of the control software in a test. This enables them to verify the impact of their changes on numerous scenes, before it is converted into an official software version. In some cases, the VALassistPRO developmental environment and the validation system are strictly separated. If so, it is possible to introduce separate instances in the system. These then share scenes and reference data without splitting test devices and results.

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