Validation Assisting Process

With VALassistPRO, Philosys provides a framework conceived workflow system, which supports the validation of camera based driving assistance systems. The system can be adapted to suit individual requirements via interfaces.

VALassistPRO is a database and server based application created by Philosys for the administration of test data and test automation. The test data can be supplemented with reference data (for example with the Philosys Label Editor) to support an automated validation process.

VALassistPRO offers the user the freedom to implement his workflow. VALassistPRO primarily serves as a secure place to keep all workflow data. VALassistPRO controls the workflow and provides action impulses. It assigns staff specified work packages, automates processing and archives results. VALassistPRO assists the phases of validation in 8 different steps. The highly experienced Philosys team provides assistance in the implementation of individual adjustments.


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