The trend of using software systems and electronics has had a large impact on the automobile industry from the 1970's on. This constant evolution has added environmental standardization and customer requirements to the equation of software development. Today, nearly all automobile functions are either electronically controlled or monitored. IT applications like internet based information and entertainment systems are now becoming popular in the automotive industry.

Designing new software functions allows for much creativity. Typical features and functions like reliability- and security requirements, long product life, as well as development time and costs must always be taken into account. Within this field, efficient automotive software engineering is needed.
Philosys offers automotive industries software and engineering services for embedded systems in vehicles.

Our customer base mainly consists of research and development departments of manufacturers and suppliers. Our software developers assist them in creating process sequences, methods and tools for the implementation of software and electronics in automobiles.
A consistent high standard must be maintained while developing automotive software. This is achieved by using a typical Bus system as well as various protocols: Flex Ray, CAN, LIN and MOST. As a general rule, operating system software must fulfill real-time and security standards as established in OSEK/VDA or AUTOSAR.
In the automotive environment the model-based approach has become standard practice for software engineering. Our developers prefer open standards like non-proprietary integrated development environments, tools and platforms.

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