ADTF stands for Automotive Data and Time Triggered Framework. Developed by Audi, this tool constitutes a basic framework for the design of (driving-) assistance systems. It assists the designer with the construction of prototypes for application in research and development departments in automotive companies.

The products created by Philosys based on ADTF support the development of assistance systems.

Philosys Label Editor

In this context, labeling stands for the  tagging of real objects in a video-data stream. Depending on shape and attributes, the objects can be manually or semiautomatically tagged with various geometrical objects and labeled with certain traits. The results of the basic data can be used to verify algorithms. More...

VALassistPRO - Validation Assisting Process

VALassistPRO is a framework for the validation of sensor-based ADAS. VALassistPRO is highly customizable via user-specific plugins and appropriate interfaces. More...

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