Once a large number of traffic scene hours have been collected, the material is subsequently ready for editing. Some recordings are unsuitable from the onset, as either too long or containing personal data (privacy policies of places and people).

Especially lengthy scenes must be shortened, to not unnecessarily prolong the validation process. In order to keep the scenarios as realistic as possible, the tests must run in real-time. As lengthy scenes need an equivalently long test time, it is recommended to shorten scenes as much as possible. Furthermore, Valpro offers the possibility of running parallel tests on the control devices. Shorter test sequences can be paralleled more effectively.

Regularily categories or tags will be assiciated with the scenes (e.g. time of day = night). This simplifies the future selection of scenes for the test runs.

What can VALassistPRO do for me?

VALassistPRO’s workflow can be defined without restrictions for any given project. Typical questions such as: “Do scenes need to be cut?”, “What happens to the original data?”, have already been discussed. The answers have become a part of the workflow process itself. In accordance with the workflow, VALassistPRO lists certain scenes to be cut. A person (in exceptional cases an automation) registers and cuts these scenes. This person need not attend to the workflow definition itself.

In some cases, the scene registration and cutting can be performed within the actual recording vehicle. Driver and passenger make sure to only record correct scenes and can immediately begin processing the information after the ride. These steps can immensely accelerate the workflow process. Besides these two, VALassistPRO supports a number of further operations.

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