The developmental assistance assignment for this software began in the conception phase, even before the necessary hardware had been defined. Advantages and disadvantages of certain hardware platforms concerning general qualification, software support, time-to-market and cost were set against each other in a scientific study. Our client's goal was to utilize as many software components as possible from the open source reservoir. The finalizing assignment was that Philosys transfer and integrate this new knowledge back to the client's employees.

Workshops in the respective fields were organized at the beginning as well as during the project implementation. Software integration and development were well documented during the workshops for the client's employees in order to ensure their full understanding of every process. This procedure fulfilled the client's demand for a complete skills transfer, as well as for an initial orientation in working with the respective software.

Certain subjects demanded additional explanations. Philosys customized white papers to topics, for example: " Noise reduction for VoIP telephony". We further introduced a project wiki into the client's intranet and created a foundation for distributed software development with SVN.

The implementation took place on the analog device's Blackfin platform, which is  
extensively supported by open source software. Linux was the operating system. The BSP contained various components from open source that have been modified, complemented and customized. The client demanded a soundchip for cost efficiency reasons, for which a new driver had to be developed. Hardware drivers, telephony applications, update-, maintenance- and configuration tools were all exclusively invented by Philosys.

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